InnovationStandards Frameworks for Digital Transformation were presented to officials from Central Asia...

Standards Frameworks for Digital Transformation were presented to officials from Central Asia and the Caucasus


More than 30 government representatives from Central Asia and the Caucasus, along with key experts from the Government of the Republic of Korea and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) took part in the workshop to exchange knowledge and experience and explore potential strategies for planning and utilising standards frameworks for digital transformation processes. The workshop focused on a collection of different standards included in a knowledge product titled “Standards Frameworks for Digital Transformation”, which provided valuable input to the discussion.

During the opening session of the event, Eungsoo KIM, Director of the Bureau of Government Service Integration, Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) of the Republic of Korea, underlined the importance of collaboration and exchange of best practices in shaping an effective digital government. He emphasized that the Government of the Republic of Korea has actively shared successful cases in the field of digital governance and public service delivery with Central Asian and Caucasus countries through this joint project and will continue to expand such cooperation aimed at building a better future together. Mr. Kim also highlighted that well-organized standardization is essential for governments to respond to changes in a safe and efficient manner and to continue delivering better services.

The Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Astana Civil Service Hub Alikhan BAIMENOV expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Government of Korea for their unwavering support and substantial project funding. He underscored the relevance of the workshop, as it was rooted in universal principles, current trends, and the ever-growing expectations of citizens, serving as the cornerstone for aligned and responsive governance. “Undoubtedly, the utilization of such digital standards frameworks, ensuring security, efficiency, and trust, contributes to the processes of digital transformation across the participating countries” Mr. Alikhan Baimenov said.

During the workshop, representatives of the participating countries showcased their accomplishments in implementing digital standards and deliberated on future plans. Key aspects of their work and examples of standards frameworks deployment were presented by leading experts from the MOIS and the UNIDO, significantly enriching the discussions and thus fostering valuable exchange of knowledge and experience among the participants.

The workshop was complemented by the presentation of a knowledge product that the Astana Civil Service Hub has just prepared – “Standards Frameworks for Digital Transformation”. The information and analytical material provide an overview of several standards frameworks utilised across the world that encompass such areas as effective use of information technologies, cybersecurity, data privacy protection, cloud computing, infrastructure, etc, which can contribute to the digital transformation of the participating countries’ public sectors.

The workshop ended with a session on “Project Appraisal and the Way Forward”, highlighting the project outputs and outcomes over its three-year implementation period. It is worth noting that during its implementation, a series of capacity building activities were conducted involving all seven of its participating countries, addressing crucial aspects of digital governance and public service delivery. In total, more than 200 officials from Central Asian and Caucasus countries took part in these activities. In addition, the project produced and published knowledge products on “Open Data Policies and Practices” and on “Feasibility (Needs-assessment) Survey Results Report”.

The project has earned widespread appreciation from all participants, as it facilitated considerable exchange of experience and knowledge, and it strengthened institutional cooperation among the participating countries. In fact, this initiative sparked a great deal of interest among its beneficiaries, who expressed their hope for its continuation in the years ahead.

The workshop was organized by the Astana Civil Service Hub in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), the National Information Society Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Korea, and the UNDP.

For reference: This workshop was another activity of the joint regional project of the UNDP, ACSH, MOIS and NIA, aimed at increasing the capacity of civil servants and practitioners involved in the implementation of innovation in the system of public administration and digitalization of public services in seven countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) and the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia). The project was designed to be implemented over the course of three years (2021-2023) and it included capacity building workshops and conferences, and the development of relevant knowledge products, as well as study visits to the Republic of Korea.




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